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留影     Memorabilia

留影 Memorabilia

皇后大道中六十至六十二號,約一八六七至一八六九年。 No. 60-62, Queen’s Road Central, c. 1867-1869. 香港發展迅速,新科技、新事物很快就會被引進到香港。 With Hong Kong developing at such a swift pace, it is never long before the latest technological innovations reach its shores.

盼望     Expectation

盼望 Expectation

大坑,約一八六八至一八七零年。 Tai Hang, c. 1868-1870. 香港獨一無二的觀音廟。 The unique Guan Yin Temple in Hong Kong.

民生     Livelihood

民生 Livelihood

皇后大道中與威靈頓街交界的十字路口,約一八九零年。 At the crossroads – the junction of Queen’s Road and Wellington Street, c. 1890. 樓宇稠密,人車爭路──這就是香港的城市風光。 Buildings stand side by side overlooking the hustle and bustle of people and traffic on the streets. This is the cityscape of Hong Kong.

整頓     Reformatory

整頓 Reformatory

太平山,一八九四年。 Tai Ping Shan, 1894. 災難有時是引入科學和制度的機遇,由抗拒、到接受和帶來轉變。 Sometimes disaster paves the way for the advent of science and systems in an ever-evolving process encompassing refusal, acceptance and transformation.

紀念     Remembrance

紀念 Remembrance

皇后像廣場,一八九七年。 Statue Square, 1897. 不少地方都有維多利亞女皇銅像,香港也有一個。 Of the dozens of statues of Queen Victoria around the world, one sits proudly in Hong Kong.

手作     Hand-made

手作 Hand-made

香港仔,二十世紀初。 Little Hong Kong (Heong Kong), early 20th century. 以雙手打造出屬於自己城市的故事。 Pairs of hands in action creating the story of a city.

新聞     News

新聞 News

東來里與摩利臣街之間的干諾道,二十世紀初。 Connaught Road, between Tung Loi Lane and Morrison Street, early 20th century. 第一次看到電車出軌? A derailed tram seen for the first time?

繁榮     Prosperity

繁榮 Prosperity

急庇利街與文華里之間的干諾道,約一九二零年。 Connaught Road, between Cleverly Street and Man Wa Lane, c. 1920. 人力車隊走在繁盛的上環海旁。 A parade of men and jinricksha bustle through the crowds in Praya West.

文娛     Recreation

文娛 Recreation

掃桿埔球場,一九二三年。 So Kon Po Stadium, 1923. 足球比賽豈只是大眾娛樂。 A football match offers the chance to let off steam.

合照     Assemblage

合照 Assemblage

元朗合益街市,約一九二三至一九二五年。 Hop Yik Market, Yuen Long, c. 1923-1925. 好奇的西方人走訪市集,是為了體驗港式生活? Seeking integration? Curious Westerners explore facets of local life in Hong Kong.

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